White Label

Datacake allows you to run a copy of the portal on your own domain with your own branding.

What is White Label

Simply put, the white label option allows you to make a 1:1 copy of the Datacake platform and place it on your desired domain, upload a custom logo and browser icon, and hook up a personal E-Mail for sign-up, password reset and notifications.

What does it include?

The functionality of the platform under the white label is completely the same as Datacake. Additionally you can configure the access your users have to specific areas on the platform as well as allow or disallow certain capabilities they have across te platform., There are several options available to you, which are further described in the section Capabilities.


To set up your white-label site, you need to be in possession of a domain name and have access to its DNS server configuration. You also need an active email address from which you want the portal to send emails.

  • Domain Name

  • Active E-Mail Address

  • Access to DNS Server Configuration

Getting started

To get started with your first white label site, make sure you have the sufficient permissions (Billing and White Label) on the workspace you want to manage your white label solution from.

Take into consideration that all configurations and cancelation will only be available on the workspace you create the white label from, so choose the workspace wisely.

While white-label sites are not tied to a workspace, the billing information from the currently active workspace is being used to create the site. This means that the white label solution will be charged on the workspace's invoice you create it from.

Click on "White Label" from the left sidebar navigation and select "Add white label site" on the top right corner. You will see a modal outlining the benefits of a white label site. Click "Get started" and you will see a form asking for:


This is the name of your white-label site. It is used as the page title as well as in all email communication.


The domain can either be a top level domain (e.g. eggtregg.com) or a subdomain (e.g. iot.eggtregg.com).

After the creation of the white label site, you will see the necessary DNS records you have to create.

Email "From"

Your white label site will send transactional emails such as signup confirmation or device alerts from this email address.

This has to be an active email address since our email service Postmark will send a confirmation email to this address in the next step.

Email "From" name

This is the display name of the email's sender. It can for example be the name of your site or the name of your company.

When you're done entering the information, click "Next". On the following screen, you will find the payment details such as the payment method and billing address. When done, click "Buy white label site".

Setup & Configuration

After you have created your white label site, you can do further adjustments such as uploading a logo and favicon, under the General tab. Always remember to Save your changes.

When your users log in to your white label, the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy are displayed. These are still set to the Datacake Terms by default after the creation of the white label. With the following mask you can add a link to your own terms.


DNS setup

Under the Domain tab you will be able to see the domain you selected to be used with your white label site. You will have to configure your domain's DNS Server to be able to use it.

There are two options for pointing a root domain to your white label site.

  • Point ANAME or ALIAS record to whitelabel.datacake.co: Use a DNS provider that supports ANAME or ALIAS records.

  • Point A record to Create an A record for your domain pointing to our load balancer's IP address.

Once done this, allow up to 24 hours for the changes to propagate. If this does not work after 24 hours, please contact support@datacake.de.

Please note that DNS propagations can take up to 24 hours.


In order to send emails from your own domain you need to verify the setup email by clicking the link on the confirmation email your received from our service provider Postmark.

Device Types

You can choose what kind of devices your white label users are able to add on to the white label site. This setting can be adjusted on the Device Types tab.

Pin Code

This option is set by default and allows the users of your white label site to add new devices to his workspace via pin code.

You must first create devices on one of your workspaces on Datacake (or your white label site) and set an individual pin code on that device. Read more about how to do that here:

You can then send these devices to your customer and include the pin code and serial number. Your customer can then use this information to register the device on their desired workspace.


If you activate this option the users of your white label site will see the same LoRaWAN Section (which includes templates, network servers, and device plans) that you see when you add a device on the Datacake Platform.

IoT Creators

Your users will be able to add devices from their IoT Creators Account. See more info here:


With this option enabled, your users will be allowed to add Particle devices into their workspace. Documentation about Particle devices under:


By activating this option, the users of your white label site can add new API devices that will receive their measurements over REST API or MQTT.

More information about receiving measurements via API here:


You now have the option to enable or disable access to different areas on your white label site.

  • Cake Red: Your users won't be able to see the Cake Red access on the left-side menu if disabled.

  • MQTT: If enabled, your users will be able to see the MQTT under configuration on your devices.

  • Gateway Monitoring: Your users will be able to see the gateway monitoring tool on the left-side menu.

  • Billing: If enabled, your users will be able to see the Billing section on the left-side menu.

  • Allow Signup: Your users are able to create a user and account for the platform.

  • Allow Adding Workspace: Your users are allowed to create new workspaces on the white label site.

  • Hide Downlink Configuration: The Downlink tab is hidden on the devices.

  • Hide Product Configuration: The Product section under configuration is hidden on the devices.

  • Disable Dashboard Editing: Your users are not able to edit dashboards, both device and global.

  • Hide Debug Log: Your users won't be able to see the Debug Log tab on the devices.


You will be able to use our REST API and our GraphQL to make queries, ingest or export data out of the platform, using your white label. This means that you get your own proxy and MQTT broker name with your branding.

Now you can configure a banner on your white label site. Select the size of the banner, the text and background colours.

You can add links as a menu item by adding a title and an URL.

Don't forget to press on "+" to add it to the list and don't forget to save the changes!

Setup a logo as well and that is it. Refresh your white label site to see the changes reflected.


Another important fact is that the Multi-Tenancy Feature of Datacake is also available on white label sites. This means that you or your users on your white label site can sign themselves up, register devices and create separate tenants.

This also means that you still get this:

  • Unlimited Workspaces

  • Unlimited Members

This is a huge difference to other solutions out there as mostly all of them only allow white label to take place on a single tenant only!

More Details can be found:


By letting your users add LoRaWAN or API Devices on your white label site, they do this in the same way that you do this on Datacake.

This means that your end users have 2 devices free but need to pick a plan after they have used up all free devices.

Picking a plan requires your end users to provide a credit card on your white label site in order to create more than two free devices. In case you don't want your users to use the billing system, we highly recommend you to use the pin code system, in which you add and configure your devices into your master workspace and your users create a copy of it in their own workspace. This way, your user pays you and you manage the platform billing yourself.

Canceling your white label site

If you no longer need your white label site, you can click the "Cancel White Label site" button and cancel your subscription any time.


When a white label site is canceled, it will remain accessible for the current billing cycle as stated in the confirmation message.

During this period, you are able to reactivate the subscription to prevent a final deletion of the white label site.


If a rule is created on a white label site, when the rule gets triggered, it will send out the notification under the white label's configuration. This means that if you create a rule that sends our emails, they will be sent through the email you configured on your white label site.

If you are on app.datacake.de, create a rule and have the permissions on a workspace, you have the option to choose the branding for this rule in the editor.

Best Practices

User Accounts

As a Datacake white label site is just a proxy for branding the platform and optionally taking out various elements, your user accounts that work on app.datacake.de also work on your white label site. This means that you will be able to see all workspaces you have been added as a member also on your white label site.


We recommend that you use the app.datacake.de portal for the administration and management of your devices, as well as your white label site.


Onboard your customers on your white label site. This way they will get the email invitations, as well as any notifications with your branding and through your setup email.

Last updated