Milesight Gateway
How to connect Milesight Gateway to Datacake using the gateway internal network server (embedded network server).
Milesight offers their gateways with the option of activating a LoRaWAN Network Server on the gateway. This lets you use your LoRaWAN devices without the need of an external LNS such as TheThingsNetwork or Loriot.
Datacake does have an integration for this internal LNS so you can add your LoRaWAN devices without the need of an external LNS.
This guide requires that you have a Milesight Gateway with onboard LNS
Setup Milesight LNS
We don't cover the steps needed to configure the LNS on the Gateway, specifically in the steps of adding devices.
We assume that you already made this steps.
If not, please have a look at their documentation first. You can find the latest documentation on their support pages here:
Pick Milesight Gateway LNS
When you create a new LoRaWAN device on Datacake you must select a LoRaWAN Network Server. In the list of available LoRaWAN Network Servers you can find the Milesight Gateway LNS as an option.
In order to use your device with your Gateway, please select the Milesight LNS from the list of available LNS.
Set Webhook URL
In order for your Milesight Gateway to forward the data from the embedded network server to Datacake, you need to provide a webhook URL for forwarding.
This URL is:
Now you need to add this URL to your Milesight Gateway embedded network server configuration. Please have a look at the following screenshot to see where you need to store it.
Activate Application
Set Webhook URL
Last updated
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