Sending notifications via Telegram

This guide shows you how to send notifications triggered by rules to a Telegram user using the service

While the Datacake Rules Engine does not have a dedicated Telegram action yet, it is still possible to send notifications thanks the the Push More service from Marc Köhlbrugge.

Create Rule

First, create your Rule like you normally would (either via the device's Rules tab or the Workspace Rules section), for example like this:

Create Telegram Action

Go to and click the "Add to Telegram" button. This will send a /start message to their bot, which will respond with a unique URL (something in the format of

Copy this URL and on the Datacake Rule, click the "Add Action" button. Choose the "Call a webhook" option and paste your URL into the URL field. You can remove the "Content-Type" header using the (x) button on the right.

The "Payload" is the message that will be sent, so you can clear it, type your own message and optionally insert placeholders, for example like this:

You can then click the "Try Webhook" button, which should send a message to your Telegram account.

Finally, save the rule, and you're all set 🚀

Last updated