How to connect a Python Script to Datacake
HTTP Request
Example Script
import requests
# The Webhook URL for your API Product on Datacake
url = ""
# Serial for device identification on Datacake
serial = "pythondevice001"
# Some random sensor data (replace with real data)
temperature = 16.04
humidity = 53.23
pressure = 1015
light = 734
power_status = True
lat = 51.4356
lon = 6.953
# Create a dictionary containing payload for webhook call
payload = {
"s": serial,
"t": temperature,
"h": humidity,
"p": pressure,
"l": light,
"ps": power_status,
"loc": "(" + str(lat) + "," + str(lon) + ")"
# Do a post request on the webhook including payload data
r =, json=payload)
Decoder on Datacake
Below you will find the corresponding HTTP Payload decoder for the above Python Script that perform as HTTP Post Request.
function Decoder(request) {
// Parse JSON string in request body to real json
var payload = JSON.parse(request.body);
// Extract serial number in payload for device routing
var serial = payload.s;
// Return an array of dictionaries to Datacake
// Each dictionary contains device serial, database identifier and value
return [
device: serial, // Serial number of device
field: "TEMPERATURE", // Identifier of database field
value: payload.t // Actual data value for field
device: serial,
field: "HUMIDITY",
value: payload.h
device: serial,
field: "PRESSURE",
value: payload.p
device: serial,
field: "LIGHT",
value: payload.l
device: serial,
field: "POWER_STATUS",
device: serial,
field: "LOCATION",
value: payload.loc
Routing via Serial Number
# Serial for device identification on Datacake
serial = "pythondevice001"
Datacake Decoder
// Extract serial number in payload for device routing
var serial = payload.s; // "pythondevice001"
// Return an array of dictionaries to Datacake
// Each dictionary contains device serial, database identifier and value
return [
device: serial, // Serial number of device "pythondevice001"
field: ...
value: ...
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