Image Map
Place your sensors on floor plans and other images.
The Image Map widget allows you to put your sensors on images, such as:
Floor Plans
Industrial Flow Charts
Any other kind of map or plan
You can set a custom title for your image map widget.
Upload Image
By clicking on the change button of an image map widget you can upload a custom image into the widget.
Supported Images
Delete or Change Image
Simply upload a new image to override the existing one.
Add Sensors or Devices
In order to add your Datacake Devices to an Image Map Widget you need to navigate into the "Data" tab.
We have created a short video that shows you how you can add Sensors to your images. Please have a look at the following video:
Choose Device
Using a drop-down you can select one of the devices from your current workspace.
Select Field
Next, you have to select the field which you want to display.
Supported Types
Currently, we support the following field types:
Integer, Float (Numerical)
Boolean States
Set Label
You can also set a custom label which will be shown when you hover over an icon on the image map widget. Default is set to Field Name.
Set Unit
Optionally you can also provide a unit to the value.
Edit Position
In order to place an icon on the map, you have to click on the "Edit Position" Button.
This will open up another view of the image where you can drag the icon to any position within the image map widget.
Icon Size
In the position editor, you also find a slider that allows you to change the size of the device widget on the map.
Edit Appearance
Numerical Values
By enabling the option "Marker color based on state" you can define a value range and color for the icon. The icon border is colorized based on the colors you define here.
When the selected field is of type "Boolean" you can set a text and color for either the True or False state of that field.
The Image Map Widget supports overriding a few of the default appearance settings.
Change Colors
You can override the default colors.
Text Color
Sets an individual color for the text of an icon.
This is not valid for Boolean Fields. Colors you set on boolean appearance will override these settings.
Icon Color
Sets an individual color for the icon background color. The default is black. You might want to use brighter colors for darker images and vice versa.
Public Dashboards
By enabling the "Show Device Details on public Dashboards" option, you allow Device Icons on Images to be clickable on a publically shared Dashboard.
Full Height Images
By enabling this your Image Map Widget will always scale to the maximum height possible, no matter which height you have set on the dashboards designer.
Please make sure you don't place any widgets below the Image Map when enabling this option as they would be covered by the full height option.
Last updated